Hello, I am Steph,


My aim is to help you obtain optimum health by letting go of life’s physical and emotional stress, and concerns caused by life events.

I am a Natural Intuitive Body Healer.

I am blessed and grateful to be able to combine my knowledge and modalities of CranioSacral Therapy, Usui Reiki, Reflexology, Silent counseling, Alternative nutrition, Ceremonial Cacao, healing gong, and energy healing to bring you what your whole being needs in that moment in time with me.

Each soul who comes to me is unique and different and this is how I see you and work with you therefore each time you see me your healing will be unique and in line with the present moment.

The healing can transform from pure energetic work to bodywork

With a 1:1 Ceremonial cacao ceremony together we can tune into your heart, and listen to what it truly needs and requires so you can gown and empower yourself.

More About Me

I have been sensitive all my life, remembering why I was where the age of 7. Like many light workers and way showers I disconnected myself due to the strong overpowering feelings and helplessness I felt as a child.

Throughout my teens and adult life, I did an okay job at suppressing this. Thankfully it was not suppressed completely as I could not help being naturally drawn to the holistic world, to source and felt my most comfortable in the woo-woo environment and hi vibrational people.  

I fully re-woke to this side of me fully in 2012-2013 and have never looked back. The journey has been and still is hard and insightful as I work through my shadow and light self I evolve, upgrade and step more into the flow and synchronicities of life so too does my work and your healing sessions with me.

As I grow, evolve, and step more into my crowning year I have been drawn to woman’s work and supporting women along their own crowning and menopausal journey.
