The Synergy of Ceremonial Cacao and Reiki.
Ceremonial cacao has become mainstream now due to its heart-opening and heart-healing nature. Since we have entered the Age of Aquarius and faced the challenges of the pandemic, the heart chakra and sacral chakra are yearning to become more open and connected. People are turning inward for healing. The heart desires healing and the heart chakra to be opened. The sacral chakra seeks a more authentic connection to the universe, allowing us to tap into our larger, true, and limitless egoic self. It is here to remind us that we are part of the earth, and that the body is made from the four sacred elements: water, air, heat, and earth – to remind us to respect and show gratitude to our elders, teachers, and ancestors.
When you start introducing ceremonial cacao into your life and forming a relationship with it, allowing the openings to emerge, wonderful things may and can happen. Personally, I can only speak from my own experience and those of my clients. One of my clients, whom I introduced to cacao and who now attends the circles, has found great insight, forgiveness, and healing of her trauma, as well as creative guidance in her business. Her vibration has risen and her manifestations are occurring within minutes or days. When I first started forming a relationship with ceremonial cacao, I would sit there after consuming the elixir and listening to a meditation. A beautiful heart opening would occur, allowing for deep release that I was not aware of within my heart, body, and mind. As with any plant medicine we work with – be it batch remedies, homoeopathic remedies, or other plant medicines – it is always good to show respect to the plant, form a relationship, and be open to the guidance and insight it has for you.
Cacao embodies Mother Nature's unconditional love packed into one small seed, evolving and blossoming in the night. Reiki represents unconditional love from source/God or the universe, radiating light. Together, they symbolize duality: the interplay between light and dark, day and night.
When we are channelling Reiki, we work a lot from our upper three energy points: the crown, third eye, and throat chakra. When we work with cacao, we can and may become more embodied, creative, grounded, driven, softer, and open to love, joy, and bliss – activating the lower three energy points: root, sacral, solar plexus, and heart chakra.
Cacao aids and allows us to become more embodied. It enhances focus, creativity, and energy levels. It primarily works with the lower three chakras: root, sacral, and solar plexus, as well as the heart. Reiki predominantly works with the three higher chakras.
When blended, you may and can feel more grounded and present. Cacao can help open your channels more to the universal flow. In this state of being more grounded, present, and aware, a stronger flow of Reiki can present itself to you and those you work with, offering greater insight and wisdom.
“You cannot build a house by starting with the roof – you must create the foundation first. The same thing applies to any spiritual practice – you have to develop a strong connection with the Earth and the physical world so that the winds of spiritual forces won’t blow you away.”