Ceremonial Cacao Circles

It all begins with Your heart opening to new heights

Ceremonial Cacao Circles

Unlike other hot chocolate drinks, Ceremonial Cacao is a potent, high-vibrational plant medicine known as an entheogen. It stands as a powerful catalyst for opening the heart and unlocking your full potential, fostering a deeper connection with your inner self while facilitating the release of what no longer serves you.

For a genuine connection with the essence of IxCacao - Cacao Goddess (Ceremonial Cacao), it is important that it has been cultivated from seed to fruit in a biodiverse and respectful manner within its natural environment. This encompasses thoughtful preparation, and an infusion of heartfelt intention, all thoughtfully guided by you when making your elixir.

  • In its purest form, cacao is a superfood that contains more phenolic antioxidants than other foods. It is packed full of magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, and iron which keeps the nervous system and most important the vagus nerve healthy, toned and happy. These vitamins and minerals also help to reduce irritability, stress, and anxiety ( which is why women often crave chocolate during their menstrual cycle),

    Several supported health effects of cocoa have shown that pure cacao aids in lowering blood pressure, improves heart function, thus reducing coronary heart disease, provides relief of angina pectoris, facilitates digestion (the slight bitterness of cacao), and can improve kidney and bowel function (magnesium). Due to its vasodilator qualities, cacao improves brain function (focus), and blood circulation (better skin if you don’t add to much sweetener). Cacao has proven to be anti-inflammatory, and mood-boosting, due to it containing Tryptophan, polyphenols, and Anandamide.

    Polyphenols and tryptophan are essential amino acid used to produce serotonin, a mood-stabilizing, feel-good neurotransmitter that also aids sleep.

    Anandamide is a lipid compound known as “the bliss molecule” because of its pleasant, calming effects that produce a blissful state in the body. It’s thought that anandamide— combined with cacao’s polyphenol, theobromine, and tryptophan content— is a major factor in why eating chocolate is so pleasurable.  

    Research proves that cacao can improve feelings of satiety, helping us to feel fuller longer and maintain blood sugar balance as it is nutritiously packed full of essential fats and fiber, both of which help to keep our hunger at bay for longer.

  • Ceremonial Cacao contains Theobroma, (a Greek word meaning “food of the gods” ) which aids in opening spiritual awareness, as it has the ability to alter consciousness, elevate mood, and enhance creativity. Ceremonial Cacao is the ultimate heart-opening plant medicine that heals and over time balances your heart and energetic body resulting in a raising your vibe.

    It does contain bromocriptine and some caffeine, but much less than a cup of joe or a builder’s tea.

    On a physical level, the ceremonial cacao that I sell and use has improved my Raynaud's syndrome, my skin tone, and my cognitive function. I also only drink my ceremonial cacao in the morning (usually before my daily meditation or sip it throughout the day between my clients). I have found that if I drink it in the evening it keeps me up longer than I like to be.

    On a spiritual front - Ceremonial cacao has really helped me to drop into and become more present with my heart. It has healed aspects of my heart and to this day I still do not know what was being released or healed. It has raised my vibration and increased my creativity and intuition. and I have gained a deeper connection and love for mother nature than I thought was possible.

    She really is a majestic and powerful plant medicine to work with. She will show you loving kindness and at the same time tough love.

  • Combining Ceremonial Cacao during the peak of the Full Moon creates powerful abilities to listen deeply to what we need to release and aids access to deeper parts of the soul.

    Combining Ceremonial Cacao during the peak of the New moon helps to raise your vibration, so you can manifest what you desire.

    To make your own Ceremonial Cacao at home, chop 42g - 50g of raw cacao, add a pinch of sea salt, chilli powder, allspice or cinnamon, vanilla, Rose powder (Chakra heart opener) or Blue Lotus powder for 3rd Eye-Opening or Reishi Mushroom for a more calming effect, or more enhanced focus lions mane mushroom powder. 

    Add 250ml - 300ml hot water or plant-based milk to the chopped cacao and whisk. (I would not have a ceremonial dose every day as it can be too much on the adrenals. I personally take a ceremonial dose during the full or new moon cycle)

    Yes, cacao can be consumed every day. After all, it is a superfood. A daily dose is normally around 15g-30g. Mixed with 200-300ml of hot water and a pinch of sea salt.

  • This is how I drink my ceremonial cacao every morning - 14 - 28g ceremonial cacao, a pinch of Himalayan sea salt, pour in a dash of hot water, not boiled, filtered water. (Never boil cacao as it reduces the antioxidant and nutritional qualities. Again do not use animal milk or cane sugar as studies have proven that this reduces the body’s absorption abilities) and mix to form a thick paste. Top up with more hot water as required. You want to make your elixir as a well-trained barista makes a great coffee - with attention and intention.

    If you prefer a sweeter drink then replace the water with plant-based milk (oat or almond milk) and maple syrup, or honey to taste. 

    Always, trust and go with your instinct and intuition as to the dose and how often to consume.

    If you’ve never drunk Ceremonial Cacao and would like to know more before the ceremony then contact me

  • Our Cacao is prepared with pure filtered water, NO milk and is drank in its purest simplest form, so it could have a slightly bitter taste, however, to make it a little bit sweeter or to help with the intention set, I will often add other spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla, rose powder or Blue lotus powder. But don’t worry there will be a pot of honey floating around if you like it a tad sweeter

    Rest assured, the ceremonial grade cacao you'll enjoy is sourced from a cooperative of small farmers in Ecuador. It stands as a beacon of sustainability and ethical practices, being chemical-free, 100% organic, and crucially, free from mold.

  • Ceremonial cacao is a beautiful plant medicine that opens the heart and increases blood flow. It is generally safe to consume for the majority of people but just to let you know there are some contraindications. If you are on high doses of anti depressives, or using MAOI-based and SSRI-type anti-depressants you may want to lower your dose as the tyramine and tryptophan in cacao, can counteract the medication.

    If you are pregnant, on blood thinners, have a serious heart condition, or have very high blood pressure the you may also want to consume a smaller amount of ceremonial cacao. If in doubt then please consult your doctor or pharmacist.

  • In this Sacred Cacao Recipe ebook,, discover essential equipment, step-by-step cacao-making instructions, and a delightful array of warming recipe ideas. Dive in and explore the perfect companions for your cacao rituals.

Experience The Power Of A Ceremonial Cacao Circle

Delve into what you really need to release from your life by listening to your heart.

Through the power of Plant Medicine, Ceremonial Cacao, one can release emotional blockages that no longer serve us, find forgiveness in ourselves and others, and shows us the way forward if we are stuck, or afraid of making necessary life changes and decisions.

What To Bring

  • Yoga mat and other items that will provide you with comfort to lay down on i.e. pillow and blanket. (optional)

  • An eye mask

  • Your own Mug

  • Water to keep you hydrated

Upcoming Cacao Circles

  • Sacred Cacao Crystal Manifestation

    Coming into the Presence of Mama Cacao

    Sat 08 March | 11.30- 1.00pm

    Join us on Saturday March 8th for an inspiring and transformative cacao circle. Where you will come into the presence of Ixcacao the spirit of cacao to her wisdom for you.!

  • reiki and cacao circle

    Sacred Cacao & Reiki Circle Thames Ditton

    Sun 23rd March | 11.15 - 12.45

    Welcome to the Sacred World of Sacred Cacao and energy healing

    Immerse yourself in Mama Cacao's loving energy and sit in the essence of healing energy. In this circle, we connect with the nurturing forces of nature’s unconditional love and Universal source energy of love to create a magical group healing energy.

  • April Sacred Cacao ceremony

    R & R with Sacred Cacao

    Sat 05th April | 11.30 - 1pm

    Join us this Saturday for a deeply restorative yoga nidra meditation enhanced by the nourishing properties of sacred cacao.

    This powerful practice not only calms the nervous system, focusing on the vagus nerve but also deepens your relaxation through the heart-opening effects of cacao. Experience total rejuvenation as you release stress and tension, leaving you refreshed and balanced.

  • Sacred Cacao Light language

    Sacred Cacao & Light language Ceremony

    Sacred Cacao & Light Language

    Sat 03th May | 11.30 - 1pm

    Join us for a powerful healing ceremony. Allow the element of cacao to open your soul to receive and integrate the full benefit of the light language download to you from Source light.

  • May 2025 Ceremonial Cacao Circle Thames Ditton

    Sacred Cacao & Reiki Circle Thames Ditton

    Sun 18th May | 11.15 - 12.45pm

    Welcome to the Sacred World of Sacred Cacao and Reiki energy healing

    Immerse yourself in Mama Cacao's loving energy to deepen your true inner essence. In this circle, we connect with the nurturing forces of nature’s love and Universal source energy to create a magical hands on healing energy.

  • Celebrate Nature’s Gifts : Earth, Water, Fire, and Air

    Celebrate Nature’s Gifts : Earth, Water, Fire, and Air

    Join Us in Nature

    Every Monday morning starting 2nd June 2025

    Spend 4 blissful mornings celebrating one of the four sacred elements that bring life. Each week, we’ll honour one element, just as our ancestors did many moons ago, deepening our connection to nature and its gifts

Creating a Cup of Ceremonial Cacao

The best method for storing and keeping Ceremonial Cacao is in an airlock container and in a cool dark place. Not in the fridge.

Everyday Cacao

When prepping for every day drinking; remember to always be mindful, present and set your intention while making your cacao

How to grate a block of ceremonial cacao with a knife.

In this video a ceramic knife is used

Preparing a Ceremonial Dose.

You would choose this dose for special occasions (full moon or new moon ceremonies)