Multi Distant Healing

Choose a comfortable and quiet space, centre and ground yourself. Allow 10 to 15 minutes (or more if you wish) for this process.

Use the distance healing process to send Reiki to a number of receivers and destinations in one go, by programming Reiki to be sent for a specific number of days at a specific time.

proxy / Surrogates can be a list with names; a box with photos, a book with names, photos, drawings, maps of areas etc.

Or visualise a number of slides one behind the other representing different people at different times in different places and send the Reiki and the symbols through all of them.

Or imagine a party with all the people you would like to send Reiki to being present in one room. Then let Reiki fill the imaginary room, flowing into each one of them.

Always ask permission before sending or giving Reiki , distance or in person.

Remember these are just guide lines and tools for you to practice and play with.

Use the distance healing process to send Reiki to a number of receivers and destinations in one go, by programming Reiki to be sent for a specific number of days at a specific time.

Write the name (s) on a piece of paper draw the order until the Distant symbol.

Feel the connection, then state your intent; “I intent for this group of people to continuously receive Reiki for (no. of days) at (state time). May they receive the Reiki for their highest and greatest good”

Place your hands on the list for 15 minutes, conclude with HSZSN and “Thank Reiki”.

Steph Edwards Natural Therapist

Natural Therapies works alongside any conventional treatment. I help to promote and accelerate the inherent healing process to restore balance on all levels; physical, mental and emotionally through promoting a sense of calmness, peace, and clarity of mind through CranioSacral Therapy, Reiki and Gentle Energy Release and Ceremonial Cacao. I specialise in Cancer, Chronic Stress, Anxiety, PTSD, Headaches, Meniere's disease, Insomnia, TMJ problems and other Neurological imbalances caused by stress. I work with Men, Women, Pregnant women, Teens, Children and Babies.

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