Menopause Can Sux

As a holistic warrior, I approached my health challenges with a determination to explore natural therapies, steering away from solely relying on Western intervention. Though I consulted two different doctors when my skin condition emerged, their approaches offered only temporary relief, prescribing steroid and topical creams without delving into the root cause. Undeterred, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery to address my skin condition from its core.

It all began in May 2021 when my skin condition manifested on my left shin, aligning with my liver meridian point—a concept I was familiar with due to my knowledge of meridian lines. Understanding the significance of this location I decided to embark on a heavy metal detox to cleanse my liver and system from everyday pollution and accumulated heavy metals. While this provided some relief, my condition persisted and began spreading along either side of my spine, on my shoulders, and near my pancreas.

Determined to find a solution, I experimented with various approaches, including incorporating celery juice, adopting autoimmune and anti-inflammatory diets, and Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) an endocrine disruptor that is found in many products.  I transitioned from a 34-year gluten-free vegetarian/vegan diet to a keto-carnivore approach, which proved challenging. Red meat resulted in more itching. I discovered that by avoiding all-natural and refined sugar, processed foods, soy products, gluten, yeast, nightshade vegetables, and gluten-free processed foods provided significant relief, and eating only once a day reduced my scratching. Nevertheless, the journey was filled with challenges, confusion, and stress.

I further explored a leaky gut healing regimen, focusing on ceremonial cacao, bitter vegetables, and organic bone broth, reducing my stress level even more and exposure to EMF. Although this had positive effects on my back, my shins still troubled me.

As I delved into my emotional linkage to my skin condition, I sought the help of a kambo practitioner to detox my body and uncover the root cause. The practitioner shed light on the relationship between skin issues and an imbalance in the Root Chakra, which resonated with my life experiences and the common disruption of the mothers' Root Chakra during childbirth.

Although my Kambo experience was not what I initially expected, the insights and synchronicities that followed led me to further revelations.

I can not recall how this knowledge came to me but it became apparent to me there was a link between my hormone spikes and my condition, I observed that my shins were calmer during non-active hormone phases, and my skin was also calmer when I maintained a reasonably clean diet, drank bottled water, and alternated between bi-carb soda baths with Himalayan salt or pure French Green Clay baths.

I started researching more and discovered that peri-menopausal symptoms extended beyond the usual suspects. Itchy skin, rashes resembling psoriasis or eczema, and other symptoms caught me by surprise. Researching podcasts and scientific articles, I learned that during perimenopause, the kidneys and adrenal glands take on some hormone roles, contributing to the symptoms experienced by many women in Western societies. Adrenal stress exacerbated these challenges.

Menopause triggers detoxification, causing a release of heavy metals accumulated over generations, further impacting the liver, kidneys, vagus nerve, and autonomic nervous system. Understanding these connections brought clarity to my condition.

Finally, it all made sense to me. Given my history of a sluggish digestive system, my body's natural detox process struggled to function optimally.

Now armed with a deeper understanding of my body, I now work harmoniously with my natural rhythm, tracking my hormones, and supporting them through specific dietary choices that support the growth of my estrogen and progesterone phases, while trying to manage my stress as a therapist and mother.

On the spiritual side, and when I can I engage in practices like gong baths, and prioritise daily Reiki, meditation, yoga, walking, and chakra balancing to enhance my well-being.

My shins have stopped itching, and within just 8 weeks, they are slowly beginning to heal. My journey of holistic healing has been transformative, and I feel blessed to be equipped with self-CranioSacral Therapy and daily Reiki practices, calming my Cerebral spinal fluid, autonomic nervous system and toning my vagus nerve.

To enhance my detoxification process, my dietary approach has evolved into a flexitarian paleo keto pattern, embracing natural healthy fats, seeds, ceremonial cacao, Cruciferous vegetables, and intermittent fasting. I complement my regimen with daily lymphatic brushing to eliminate heavy metal build-up and enhance detoxification and regularly drink detoxing tea’s.

Each morning, I start with warm lemon water, taking oral Neems and oregano tincture oil to support my endocrine system and promote detoxification of the pineal and hypothalamus. I indulge in Ceremonial cacao infused with a turmeric anti-inflammatory spice mix to combat inflammation, take iodine or seaweed to support my thyroid and cellular function, and do weekly coffee enemas and caster oil packs to improve my liver function.

Though my regimen may seem extensive, it has brought about profound changes. No longer do I wake up scratching in the early hours of the morning. My journey has not only empowered me but inspired me to help other women embrace natural healing during menopause. Understanding our bodies and becoming self-empowered during this transitional phase is essential, and I hope to encourage you to unlock your own healing potential through holistic wisdom.

If you are navigating through menopause or facing skin-related challenges, remember you are not alone, and there is a holistic path to healing awaiting you. Embrace the journey, listen to your body, and trust in its ability to heal and restore balance naturally. Together, let us embark on a transformative path of holistic healing and self-discovery.

Steph Edwards Natural Therapist

Natural Therapies works alongside any conventional treatment. I help to promote and accelerate the inherent healing process to restore balance on all levels; physical, mental and emotionally through promoting a sense of calmness, peace, and clarity of mind through CranioSacral Therapy, Reiki and Gentle Energy Release and Ceremonial Cacao. I specialise in Cancer, Chronic Stress, Anxiety, PTSD, Headaches, Meniere's disease, Insomnia, TMJ problems and other Neurological imbalances caused by stress. I work with Men, Women, Pregnant women, Teens, Children and Babies.

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