The 3 Pillars of Reiki + Intention

The 3 Reiki Pillars consist of Gussho, Reiji Ho and Chiryo.

Always Remember

- During a Reiki session there is no right or wrong way

- The hand guides you will be shown are just a guide to get you started

- Trust and let your intuition guide you.

Steph Edwards Natural Therapist

Natural Therapies works alongside any conventional treatment. I help to promote and accelerate the inherent healing process to restore balance on all levels; physical, mental and emotionally through promoting a sense of calmness, peace, and clarity of mind through CranioSacral Therapy, Reiki and Gentle Energy Release and Ceremonial Cacao. I specialise in Cancer, Chronic Stress, Anxiety, PTSD, Headaches, Meniere's disease, Insomnia, TMJ problems and other Neurological imbalances caused by stress. I work with Men, Women, Pregnant women, Teens, Children and Babies.

The History of Reiki